Blue Skies 2 Lee

LOA! Thursday, November 15, 2012

   Our letter of acceptance came today! [This is the letter China sends to ask if we accept this child.] We will be traveling to China soon to bring our new son, Blue, home with us.

   No words can describe my emotions right now... 20 years ago my husband and I were planning our wedding and our future, dreaming of having five children, the last of the five we wanted to come through adoption. We were two young people trusting God for, and through, our future together.

    20 years later, we are blessed with four beautiful, healthy, children and one on the way through adoption. It feels
surreal that I am sitting here reading a line on a piece of paper asking us to sign here if we accept this child...
   We not only accept him.... we have wanted him, prayed for him, fought for him, sacrificed for him and he is about to really be ours... really be ours to have and call our son forever.... my heart is overwhelmed at the goodness of our God. ~Thank You Lord.

DTC - Dossier to China

Today, October 18, 2012, we received the message that our Dossier has been sent to China! This is such a BIG accomplishment in this very long process. It could be that we may be traveling to get Blue as soon as six weeks from now. Wow!
We are very excited and know that time is closing in on this whole process. If Blue were to turn 14 years old (January 2013), the adoption would be over without the opportunity of getting him. So, we will patiently and prayerfully wait for our Travel Announcement from China.

USCIS - FBI Check and Fingerprints

Looks like the government approved our digits! Our fingerprints were scanned on a Wednesday and our I-800(A) was approved on that Friday. Wow.  This is the last document we needed before sending our Dossier off to China. We are getting closer to bringing our, Blue, home!  :-)


  [I-800(A) Simply put, is the U.S.Immigration approval to adopt from a foreign country and National FBI Clearance]

 [Dossier- a complete file containing,  all of the information collected, required documents, and paperwork performed on the U.S. side of the adoption process.] 

Part of the BIG Picture

Piece by Piece

Puzzle Fundraiser 

Please consider supporting our adoption by participating in our Puzzle Fundraiser

Here's how the fundraiser works: 
We have purchased a 1000-piece World Map Puzzle for Blue (Lee) that will eventually be glued together, framed, and placed in our home. We are asking friends and family members to purchase a puzzle piece for a $5 donation. We will write your name on the back of the puzzle piece(s) you purchased. When all 1000 pieces have been purchased, we will glue the puzzle together, frame it, and hang it in our son’s room. The picture of the world map was chosen as an incredible example of how God can bring people together even with so many miles between them. When Blue (Lee) comes home, we will all put the puzzle together as a family and see the awesome display of people who helped make this possible. The picture will be a constant reminder of how many loved ones have helped to make our the come true.

You can use the Donate Button on the right side of the blog to donate or by clicking here: Donation. Donations will be sent directly to our account and will be used to pay agency fees and travel to China to pick up our boy. Please email us the names that you want on the pieces and if you would prefer to mail a check, send us an email at: blueskies2lee @ and we will send you our address.

This is what the puzzle will look like: 

Why we need your support: 
Adoption is costly, which not many people realize. Our international adoption is going to cost us $30,000-$33,000. We are fundraising for most of the money and applying for adoption grants to help with the cost. Adoption requires us to put out this money all at once; we don't have the luxury of paying a little at a time or paying for it over time. Also, unforeseen costs are a possibility. We hope that this fundraiser will lighten our load a little and allow us to focus less on the cost and more on the blessing we are about to receive.

We have so many wonderful people in our lives and we know that many of them will be anxious to help us raise the money to bring our boy home. We are grateful to have the support of so many loved ones and are truly appreciative of any donations we receive.